A blog post about the book covers I designed

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I’d like to share with you a blog post written by a client and friend of mine about the self-published book covers I designed for their company, Growing Agile.

I hope it doesn’t look too much like bragging, but I’m really proud of this, and I think I should be too!

Here’s a link to the blog post as well as my description about the cover process, how I approached them, my rough thumbnail sketches, and thoughts behind the design I done. They also give their thoughts on the whole process as well.

LOVE my job! 🙂


2 thoughts on “A blog post about the book covers I designed

  1. You should be proud Sharna, you did a great job. I think anyone who compares the starting covers to the final result will be able to see the huge impact for themselves.
    So glad we got to work with you on this!

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